Honeysuckle Flower Blossoms - Wild Harvested, Sun Dried

  • $1.89

Honeysuckle Flower Blossoms,

(Lonicera maackii),

Honeysuckle flowers and blossoms are used for Honeysuckle Tea, Honeysuckle perfume, Honeysuckle Lotion & Honeysuckle Soap. The fresh picked flowers can also be eaten raw or used as a flavoring agent.

 Grown in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains. No smog, no pollution and rich, nutrient filled soil provide the perfect environment for the growth of all natural, non GMO herbs and spices. 

Packaged in sealed retail foil pouch, always guaranteed fresh or your money back! 

 Our Honeysuckle tea is sun dried, then cut and sifted to obtain the perfect texture for herbal tea. The taste of Honeysuckle tea is fantastic by itself or added in with other teas such as Mulberry leaf, Chamomile or Ginger root.

Honeysuckle has been used by many cultures for thousands of years and is still very popular in Chinese medicine. . The major constituents in Honeysuckle extract are flavonoids, triterpenoid, saponins and tannins which may provide antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiviral properties.

Cut and sifted or powdered honeysuckle flowers can be added to your favorite bath teas, facial masks or sea salt blends. The wonderful fragrance and soothing oils of the flowers will make the perfect addition to your favorite formulation!

The information we share on this website is based on research from books, the internet, research papers, and personal experience with native plants. The information contained in this website should not be considered medical advice. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. For diagnosis or treatment consult your physician.

As with any food, allergic reactions can also occur with organic herbs. If you are pregnant or breast feeding do not use this herb. Speak with a medical professional if you have any concerns or adverse reactions.