Ladys Mantle Herb, Alchemilla xanthochlora

  • $2.89

Ladys Mantle Herb,

 Alchemilla xanthochlora,

 Lady's Mantle Tea is the most common use for this herb. The plant can also be made into tinctures, extracts and salves. If one doesn't prefer tea or tincture, the powdered Ladys Mantle can be used to make capsules or pills.

"Tame the Spirit" Herbs are always organic, Wild Harvested or Farm Grown using NON GMO seed and no pesticides. Always unprocessed with no additives or preservatives. We keep it " Wild" so you can keep it Healthy!

Packaged in sealed retail foil pouch, always guaranteed fresh or your money back! 

Lady's Mantle is a Herbaceous perennial  in the Rosaceae family growing to about 12 inches in height. The small 1/8 inch flowers bloom from June to August. The entire plant is used as an herb as well as the rootstock being astringent and edible. The plant's  use as an herbal remedy dates back to the early 1500's. 

The name Alchemilla comes from the Arabic word, Alkemelych (alchemy). According to some writers the name was given because of the wonder-working powers of the plant. Lady's Mantle plant has been associated with the Virgin Mary, some say the lobes of the leaves resemble the edges of a mantle. Hence the name.

Occult and Magick uses - Associated with Water. The Dew forming on the leaves has been collected for it's magical properties. Dried herb is used in ceremony, ritual and in love spells, potions and amulets.

The information we share on this website is based on research from books, the internet, research papers, and personal experience with native plants. The information contained in this website should not be considered medical advice. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. For diagnosis or treatment consult your physician.

As with any food, allergic reactions can also occur with herbs. If you are pregnant or breast feeding do not use this herb. Speak with a medical professional if you have any concerns or adverse reactions.