Mother of Pearl, Raw Nacre
Mother of Pearl,
Raw Nacre,
Mother of pearl, is an organic-inorganic composite material produced by some molluscs as their inner shell layer. It also makes up the outer coating of pearls. It is strong, resilient, and iridescent.
The outer layer of pearls and the inside layer of pearl oyster and freshwater pearl mussel shells are made of nacre. Other mollusc families that have a nacreous inner shell layer include marine gastropods such as the Haliotidae, the Trochidae and the Turbinidae.
Mother of Pearl is used in a variety of crafts including making various inlay settings in charms, jewellery, wood, Mother of Pearl Buttons, craft decor, furniture, musical instruments and various handles.
Our Mother of Pearl is raw, meaning the pieces are from whole shells and will need separated from the dull part of the shell if you wish to have pure Mother of Pearl. The process of separating the Mother of Pearl from the rest of the shell is accomplished either by sanding or by using different types of Acid and sanding. Although I collect these craft shells I have never separated the Pure Mother of Pearl so I am not familiar with the techniques beyond a few things I have read. It sounds as if it is a fun, rewarding and time consuming project, well worth the effort!
Occult, Witchcraft and Magic folklore uses - Associated with Metaphysical Healing, Sea Magick, femininity, happiness, improving concentration and strengthening self esteem. Used alongside herbal magic spells. Used with ritual jewellery, mojo bags, amulets, jars and charms. Used in ceremonies and magick spells among alternative religious practices.