Mother Natures Treasures, "TAME THE SPIRIT"
Acai Berry Fruit Powder Extract
Activated Charcoal - All Natural Carbon
African Bird Pepper
Agrimony Seeds - Grow your own Herbs !
Agrimony, Cut and Sifted Herbs
Alfalfa Leaf
Alfalfa Leaf Powder
Amber Resin Powder - Wild Harvested
Amla Berry, Indian Gooseberry
Andrographis Powder Herb, Green Chiretta
Angelica Root
Angelica Root Powder
Angelica Seeds - Grow Your Own Herbs !
Arjuna Bark Powder
Arnica flower
Arnica flower Powder
Arrowroot powder
Artists Conk Mushroom
Asafoetida Resin - Wild Harvested Spice and Natural Incense
Ashwagandha Root
Ashwagandha Root Powder
Astragalus Root
Astragalus Root Powder
Basil Leaf - Farm Grown Basil by "Tame the Spirit"
Basil Leaf Powder - Farm Grown by "Tame the Spirit"
Bay Leaf - Whole Bay Leaves
Bay Leaf Powder
Beet Root Powder
Bellflower Herb
Birch Polypore
Bitter Orange Peel - Use in Tea Blends, Fruit Drinks & Natural Cosmetics
Black Cohosh Powder, Wild Harvested in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains