Mother Natures Treasures, "TAME THE SPIRIT"
Mullein Tincture - Made with Wild Harvested leaf and Flower
Mulungu Bark
Mulungu Bark Powder
Mulungu Bark Tincture - Erythrina mulungu
Mushroom Mix - Healthy & Delicious - Porcini, Shiitake, Oysters and Wood Ear
Myrrh Gum Resin
Myrrh Gum Resin Powder
Narrow Leaf Plantain - Wild Harvested in the Appalachian Mountains
Narrow Leaf Plantain Seed - Grow your own Herbs !
Neem Leaf Powder
Nettle Leaf - Wild Harvested in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains
Nettle Leaf Powder - Wild Harvested in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains
Nettle Root - Wild Harvested in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains
Nettle Root Powder - Wild Harvested in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains
Nettle Seeds - Grow Your own Herbs!!
Nettle Tincture - Made with Wild Harvested Nettle from the Appalachian Mountains
Oat Straw Herb
Oat Straw Powder
Olive Leaf
Olive Leaf Powder
Opopanax Resin - Wild Harvested Natural Incense
Orange Peel Powder
Orange Peel, Dried Herb
Oregon Grape Root
Orris Root
Orris Root Powder
Osage Orange Tincture - Dried Maclura pomifera from the Appalachian Mountains
Osha Root Powder, Wild Harvested
Osha Root, Wild Harvested
Ox-Eye Daisy - Field Daisy, Wild Harvested Herbal Tea from the Appalachian Mountains
Oyster Mushrooms