Mother Natures Treasures, "TAME THE SPIRIT"
Lobelia Leaf
Lobelia Leaf Powder
Lungwort Herb
Maca Seeds - Grow your own Herbs!
Madder Root
Magnolia Bark
Magnolia Bark Powder
Magnolia Flower Buds
Maitake Mushroom Powder, Hen of the woods - Wild Harvested in the Appalachian Mountains
Maitake Mushroom, Hen of the woods - Wild Harvested in the Appalachian Mountains
Manjistha Root Powder
Mistletoe Herb
Motherwort Herb
Motherwort Powder
Mountain Mint - Appalachian Mountains Wild Harvest
Mullein Flower - Summer 2024 Appalachian Mountain Wild Harvest
Mullein Tincture - Made with Wild Harvested leaf and Flower
Nettle Tincture - Made with Wild Harvested Nettle from the Appalachian Mountains
Osage Orange Tincture - Dried Maclura pomifera from the Appalachian Mountains
Plantain Herb - Wild Harvested in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains
Puffball Mushroom - Wild Harvested
Purslane Herb
Purslane Seeds - Grow your own Herbs!
Queen Annes Lace Flower, Dried - Wild Harvested in the Appalachian Mountains
Red Belted Polypore Mushroom - Wild Harvest from the Appalachian Mountains
Red Lotus - Nelumbo nucifera
Rhubarb root Powder
Rhubarb root, Cut Herb
Roasted Chicory Root
Saffron Spice
Skullcap Root - Huang Qin
Solomons Seal Root